Tuesday, June 10, 2008

When PETA hates you ...

... chances are you're doing something right.

I have no use for PETA. I strongly oppose the idea that a dog's life and a child's life should be held in equal regard. I disagree that companion animals should be euthanized or altered (spayed or neutered) out of existence because they are "slaves of human manipulation" and you can bet your prize bull that I disagree that enjoying a big beefy burger with bacon makes me a sadistic double murderer just a hair's breadth from turning to cannibalism.

Seems to have taken them a while to catch wind of the case, but their trademark propaganda is in full effect in this release from June 9:

PETA Demands Jail Time, Psychiatric Intervention
if Alleged Grass Lake Horse Abusers, Killers Are Convicted

Grass Lake, Mich. - This morning, PETA sent an urgent plea to Jackson County Prosecuting Attorney Henry C. Zavislak urging his office to vigorously prosecute James Henderson and Mathew Mercier from the Turn-3 Ranch in Grass Lake. Henderson and Mercier each face charges stemming from authorities' reported March 2007 removal of 70 horses from the ranch following their discovery of allegedly suffering and dead animals on the premises. According to news reports and a witness (XP: emphasis mine), the seized animals included horses who were severely emaciated and suffering from parasites, horses with patchy coats, a young mare with wire embedded in her flesh, a hemorrhaging mare whose baby was stillborn, and a weeks-old colt with a fractured hip who had to be euthanized. Also, a dead foal was reportedly found lying on the ground. Graphic photos reportedly taken at the scene are available upon request. (Shall we recap the facts once again and discuss how many of these things happened during and AFTER the seizure, when JCAC was supposed to be in charge of safeguarding these horses?)

"Henderson and Mercier appear to be either unable or unwilling to provide even the most basic care to animals," says PETA cruelty caseworker Peter Wood. "People who demonstrate such blatant disregard for life and desensitization to suffering can pose a serious risk to all animals--including humans--with whom they come into contact." (Incredibly, after making the acquaintance of both men during the months since the horse auctions, I've not felt that my life was ever in imminent danger in their presence.)

PETA is asking that--if convicted and in addition to serving a period of incarceration--the pair be prohibited from owning or harboring animals, that authorities seize all animals currently in the custody of Henderson and Mercier, and that both men be required to undergo thorough psychological evaluations followed by mandatory counseling.

PETA, the majority of Americans are disgusted with your terrorist tactics, and your attempts at brainwashing children into being your eager minions with cute pics of kittens and puppies. Your account shows that you have NO idea what investigative reporting is, as you've simply repurposed many lies that were proven false in court to further your own agenda.

I think anyone who feels that PETA (the organization—not the mostly well-meaning individuals who actually care about animals—the huge fundraising and lobbying machine itself) is doing legitimate good deeds for animals, should "be required to undergo thorough psychological evaluations followed by mandatory counseling."

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